20 января 2005 14:38

The black list

The Government of the Russian Federation has ratified the lists of diseases which are socially significant and dangerous to surrounding.

This decision is accepted according to clauses 41 and 42 of The Bases of the Russian Federation legislation about health protection of the citizens. It says that the citizens, suffering by socially significant diseases and the diseases, representing danger to the association, should be rendered a medical-social help and provided with regular medical check-up in corresponding treatment-and-prophylactic establishments free-of-charge or on favourable terms.

The diseases which are attributed to the first group are: tuberculosis, hepatitis B and C, AIDS, diabetes, mental and behaviour frustration, malignant new growths, the infections which are spread mainly by sexual way, the illnesses characterized by the raised blood pressure.

To the diseases representing danger to the association are attributed: AIDS, the virus fevers transmitted by arthropods, virus haemorrhage fevers, helminthic diseases, hepatitis B and C, diphtheria, the infections which are spread mainly by sexual way, malaria, pediculus, the Siberian ulcer, tuberculosis, cholera and plague.

According to clause 34 of The Bases of the Russian Federation legislation about health protection of citizens (physical examination, hospitalization, supervision and isolation) people which suffer from diseases, dangerous for surrounding, can be rendered medical aid also without their consent.

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